Discovering Marine Nursery Sites in Roatan: A Crucial Balance for Shark and Ray Conservation

This week, I went diving and discovered a marine nursery site with juvenile black tip Caribbean reef sharks. It was an awe-inspiring experience, highlighting how critical these marine nursery habitats are for the development of young marine life. In Roatan, one of the key marine nursery environments are our mangrove areas. These complex and vibrant ecosystems play a vital role in nurturing young sharks and rays, amongst other species, but they are increasingly under pressure from urban development.

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Tiger Groupers spawning

This year, I had the extraordinary opportunity to dive with the Roatan Marine Park during one of the most awe-inspiring events in the Caribbean’s underwater world—the annual spawning of tiger groupers. Imagine being surrounded by over 200 tiger groupers, their sleek, striped bodies moving in harmony as they engage in one of nature’s most spectacular reproductive displays. This experience was nothing short of magical, and I’m excited to share the wonder of it with you.

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